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KDKA Press Box Microphone

She’s Not There (Ep. 054)

Why didn’t the first woman radio baseball announcer live on in the annals history? Jay Douglas tells the story, and the breakfast cereal behind her non-career.

Constitutional Convention

Question Authority (Ep. 052)

The US Constitution, has a problem. Strictly speaking, it isn’t any more legal than a bank robbery. In Episode 52, a story that’s  going to make your head hurt.

Grace Murray Hopper and Univac

Woman’s Work (Ep. 051)

Was Jimmy Buffett right in singing, “Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame?” In Episode 51, Jay Douglas tells the story of Grace Murray Hopper’s role in Y2K.

Old School Catcher's Mitt

Spy Catcher (Ep. 050)

When did Moe Berg become a spy, and when did we know it? In Episode 50, Out Of My Mind, the story of the most enigmatic spy ever to don a baseball uniform.